New concept for a natural lifestyle of your horses

Are you thinking to rebuild your horse facility? Are you willing to build a brand-new stable? Ask our consultants for an Animantia ethological facility! Cutting-edge equine homes designed for the total well-being of your horses, both physical and psychological.

A responsible horse owner should create the most natural environment conditions to provide a species-appropriate life for his horse. But this is possible only with a concept that can adapt to the today’s high developed landscape. Animantia consultants and professionals provide unique design and construction of equine facilities based on the modern applied ethology and on the welfare of the horse.  New concepts developed to meet every need that horses, owners and professionals look for.

We are in Europe, USA, Canada, Middle East, Australia and New Zealand.



Our concept is based on a complete natural management of horses. Instead of a traditional set up where horses are isolated for hours in stalls or confined area, where they barely move and rarely eat more than 2-3 times a day, we design and build ethological facilities surrounded by a natural setting that deeply respect the animal’s nature, whether it is a breeding, training, or an equestrian center. Every detail is researched with a thorough knowledge of the horse in its natural environment. Space, shape, light and colors: every need, not only physiological but also social and emotional, is fully respected.

Our main principles are:

1 – Horses are highly social herd animals. A normal healthy horse would never live alone by choice.Horses socila animals - Animantia

The herd offers safety. When horses live in a herd situation (either in the free living or domestic state) have a rich and varied social life. Activities such as play and mutual grooming are reinforcing their self esteem and cognitive ability.

Equine stables - Animantia2 – Horses are big herbivores and grazers. They are meant to eat for between 16 and 18 hours throughout the day and night. Nutrition has to adapt according to their nature.

3 – Horses are prey animals.   thological facilities for horses - AnimantiaA horse will instinctively run at the first sign of danger and for this reason horses are highly reactive.

4 – Horses are naturally active animals. Movement is an integral part of  the life of a natural living horse so it is very important that domestic horses are kept in a way that encourages movement as much as possible.

Equine facilities - Animantia

5 – Horses like shade/shelter when they need it. Even in the wild, always out in the open air and often exposed to extreme climatic fluctuations, horses look for shade/shelter.

6 – Horses have kept their ancestral nature. The domestication of horses did not change their genes as much as it did with many of our other domestic mammals.

Horses living in those environments feel more safe, confident and willing to cooperate.  A concept that goes beyond the animal welfare regulations in force. Understanding at least basic horse behavior is a very important part of a forward-thinking horse ownership. A good understanding of horse behavior underpins all aspects of good horse management, training and riding.

Our consultancy is available from the planning stage to a turn-key solution and the complete construction of the project
 Contact us for more details: