by Elena Bajona

The human – wildlife conflict today is increasingly present all over the world. Wolves, bears, deers, wild boars and even wild horses (although the latter according to many are not considered wildlife), any species in the world that “invades” the spaces of man creates nuisances and problems.

Most of the time wild animals that are spotted near human settlements, urban or suburban land as well as in farming areas, are considered as a problem even when they are not really the problem.

Man is constantly expanding and his demographic growth inevitably occupies more and more the wildlife habitat. The real problem is that his occupation always results in destruction. Destruction of precious ecosystems that allow life on our planet.

A solution?

Based on scientists, researchers, documentary filmmakers and my own experience, I can affirm that a solution exists to mitigate conflict and promote peaceful coexistence. First, and most important, thing to do is to educate to a more in-depth knowledge of nature and animals and make clear that each of us can contribute to preserve the delicate ecosystems still present.

Subsequently instruct and make it understood that coexistence with wild animals, and not only domestic, is possible. They are the ones who help us to keep the planet healthy and therefore be able to use its resources.

The anthropomorphic vision has always made us believe that we are the only holders of nature and thus increase a purely utilitarian mentality. We must always keep in mind that we share the world with animals and we are not the only ones on earth.

There are obviously many cases where a natural ecosystem no longer exists either because of human overpopulation or purely for economic interests. Wild animals are therefore annoying and creating problems.

Fertility Control

Here comes into play a very important solution to control populations that can be very prolific with the absence of their natural predators. The loss of a natural balance can be restored with a fertility control program. However, a case-by-case assessment must always be carried out before a vaccination plan for fertility control is implemented. Reducing the population is not always the right solution, but certainly better than catching or culling.

It has also been scientifically proven that culls and catches, from the biological point of view, trigger an unnatural reproduction, or greater fertility. Any prey, when pressed, sets in motion physiological mechanisms to increase the number of the species and avoid extinction.  Furthermore culling can lead to migration, social disintegration and actually give rise to a greater frequency of contacts as the animals move long distance, fill the voids left by those who have been removed or restore the territories. Vice versa, fertility control is less likely to affect the social behavior and movement of wild animals.

Wild horses as wildlife

Many projects on different species of animals have been successfully implemented around the world. Personally, I have followed, and continue to follow, fertility control projects for wild horses in the US with great results. The vaccine we use does not alter reproductive behavior and blocks fertility with a 98% success. It also allows reversibility that can help preserve the genetic pool and maintain an ecological balance. I very much hope that the project which has been under way in various parts of the United States will end for ever the terrible roundups which have been taking place for years.

A sustainable approach that, implemented with a conscious strategy, can help to preserve wildlife and allow a more peaceful coexistence with wild animals.

To rebuild natural equilibrium has a vital role that allows the animals, both wild and feral, to live in wilderness maintaing their social life with a minor or, better, absent human interference.

Stay Wild, Stay Smart!

Elena Bajona

Florence, November 3rd 2020

#wildlife #wildlifeconservation #wildhorses #fertilitycontrol